Yanking :
Yank is a synonym for pull
It expresses the idea of copying text to a buffer or clipboard for subsequent use.
Copy the single line from the terminal
Copy 3 lines from the terminal e.g. 3yy
Paste the lines copied
Delete the single line from the terminal
Delete 3 lines from the terminal. e.g. 4dd
Delete the line and enter into insert mode
Cursor will move to the top of the file
Cursor will move to the end of the file
Cursor will move to the fourth line of the file. e.g.:4
/<word> :
Find the word. e.g /Pranav
Quit a file without saving the file
Quit the file by saving the file:
"!" used to forcefully
:set nu:
It is used for setting the number of the lines
:%s/<wordtoreplace>/<wordtoreplacewith>/g :
It is used for replacing the words, Here "g" stands for Globally. e.g. :%/Red/Black/g
:!<command> :
It is used for performing the command without getting out of the file. e.g.:!ls
Modes In Terminal :
Insert Mode
By clicking "i" we get into insert mode.
Where we can write/modify the file.Save and Exit Mode
Once we are done with the modification, to save the file we use this mode.
There are two options, Either you can just quit/exit from the file without saving or else you can save and exit.
You can use ":wq" for save and exit and ":q" for only exit.Visual Mode
By clicking "v" in the terminal the Visual Mode is activated.
Shift + v - Select the line
Cltl + v - To delete the selected box
File Redirection In Linux :
Redirection is accomplished by using either the ">" (greater-than symbol) or the "|" (pipe) operator, which sends the standard output of one command as standard input to another command.
Redirecting messages into the file using echo
#echo "message" > <filename>
echo "Hello Pranav" > Test.txt
Show the error message and output using the "find" command
#find <locationto search> -user <username>
find / -user Pranav
Redirecting error into the file and showing only output
#find <locationto search> -user <username> 2> <ErrorFileName>
find / -user Pranav 2> Error.txt
Redirecting output into the file and showing only error
#find <locationto search> -user <username> > <OutputFileName>
find / -user Pranav > Output.txt
Redirecting both error and output into a separate file
#find <locationto search> -user <username> > <OutputFileName> 2> <ErrorFileName>
find / -user Pranav > Output.txt 2> Error.txt
Redirecting both error and output into a single file
#find <locationto search> -user <username> &> <ErrorOutputFileName>
find / -user Pranav > CompleteOutput.txt
Redirecting output to a file and showing it on the terminal as well
#find <locationto search> -user <username> | <OutputFileName>
find / -user Pranav | Output.txt